Hello there, greetings to you.

I am Morad and essentially I use this site to extend some of the things which I work on and create to a public audience, with the hopes that I might achieve a few goals I have set for myself, among which include:

  1. Documenting and reflecting on programming projects I undertake, with the main focus being on the learning experience itself;
  2. Housing a convenient and demonstrative record of my skillsets and motives to help give a feel of what I am typically like as a person when I am working on projects;
  3. Having fun expressing whatever creativity I can harness in myself to design and deliver more engaging, efficient and attractive alternative solutions to problems I have had to tackle through my own independent research and engineering.

As for my occupation at the moment, in a nutshell, I am a software engineering student (third year) at the University of Glasgow.

For a more in-depth grounding about me and what I'm currently cooking up, check out the About page. With that said, I now leave you to explore the rest of the site as you like. May you profit from what you discover.


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