When will you write you first article, Morad?

I intend to write my first article within one to two weeks from today (it’s presently Tuesday 10th), but it might have to wait since my next target with this site is to write up the About section for this site, where I will mention about my programming experience, as well as my foray in the several languages, along with a portion on I am planning to do (though maybe I’ll include that here).

What language/s do you intend to write your posts in?

For certain, I could be writing my posts in English, and I have no trouble with doing this except that I would like to focus on writing in the languages that I have been practicing as side projects (French and Spanish) because I deeply want to push myself to improve in them so as to be equipped to teach them to others: teaching the languages I have learned is a side-project of mine but, to be able to deliver my best quality of work, I need to work to master them properly; otherwise, I risk teaching things incorrectly or poorly (and I hate to be a bad teacher). I think it’s good to not have to depend on the language which one considers themself to be best in, but instead to make an effort to get comfortable experimenting with languages they are less confident in. Challenges like this are what make an individual grow.

What programming languages are you currently learning?

At present, I am learning C and C++ since I need to know to use them for some of the courses I will be taking this coming semester, especially for Systems Programming. Although, I have been curious this summer about web and mobile development, hence I decided to spend some time learning reactJS, reactNativeJS and nodeJS. The reason why I thought it would be cool to check out these technologies is because, even at the close of my second year of studies, I still felt there were some things about computing science and software engineering that felt ghost to me. So I wanted to purge some of my gaps in knowledge by gaining a better appreciation of what these technologies are like, in particular, to discover how their magic is really just logic at the end of the day. But I still really like Python and Java, for they were the first I came across when learning to program.

Do you think you might succeed?

Only time will tell, but we can hope. And, undoubtedly, we can try.

What am I currently doing?

  • I am learning more about C++.
  • I am initialising my Jujutsu French series.
  • I am taking into consideration ideas to make my current projects long-term and worth-while.
  • I am cherishing what holiday days remain till I must recommence the academic year.

Trivial remark

I am really excited to test out with Figma in an upcoming team project; and I really feel satisfied with the furrow-browed penguin on the About page (honestly reluctant to modify it).