
I was going to write a journal entry concluding an episode of the past that I have since not spent time to look back on. After some paragraphs of writing, I scrapped what I had written because I felt that the tone was not recognisable with what I prefer my message to sound like. To put very simply, I felt the writing was going to progress towards judging others, and that a whole section would be filled up just with pointless mentioning of who did what and why.

But, I want to be wiser and to be mature: I can only speak for and of myself, I have no business describing or assessing others. This is the concluding lesson I arrive at from pondering over whether to divulge into a past episode from my memories.

It is not becoming of an individual who desires to be self-contained to waste energy and time holding onto any old negative emotions. Even though I read this once many years back, it still reaches my thoughts every now and again, Bruce Lee’s saying:

All problems are brought into this world, just drop them.

No matter what, in life the trick is to keep breathing.

One further remark I will make is this: the only comparison I can make and effectively gain something from is evaluating how I compare to myself from before. The way I see it is, if I find myself sufficient or lacking in a regard, it is either due to my persistence to push myself or my disregard to discipline myself during times where I lower my focus.

When I initiated this site, I linked myself to my institute, I appreciate that, part of what has made me feel free in the past, is minimising my reliance on that which is out-with myself. It is my belief that I do not need to announce what institute I go or have been to in order to make myself seem apparent, for instance to an employer or any kind of critique. Thus I am changing how this site will flow - I have now zero interest to make this sandbox of mine cater to anyone’s taste but my own.

My primary change to this will be a disassociation from anything that I consider irrelevant to what I work on. I want this to be natural for me.
