In truth, I have covered numerous scientific concepts and I can remember carrying out experiments and having to complete writeups as well.

But, it has been usually rare in my case, and even then, most things that I have researched I have done so to make sure that I don’t ignore necessary course-work that I have been required to complete.

Frankly, I am not the most enthusiastic when it comes to researching things I have been told to, the which I often haven’t much interest for. Yet, I believe I might like to start researching and documenting about the nerdish things out there that I actually do want to use my academic research skills to investigate and solve out of pure enthusiasm to do so.

So what sort of things might I consider researching?

  • How smart-therapy chat interfaces can be used in the treatment and improvement of the health of individuals;
  • Strategies which can allow users to enjoy a more beneficial and secure online experience;
  • Enhancing the present integration of 3D and interactive technologies into the educational ecosystem to design more effective simulations that better facilitate the teaching of key, real-world skills that can augment human performance;
  • Ways of revolutioning the current learning system (in this era, knowledge is more accessible than before, the technology has improved, and so the learning system should to);
  • The development of healthier technology interfaces which can help to reduce computer vision syndrome and similar digital strains as daily usage of technology rises in the digital word;
  • How VR/AR technologies can be used in more socially-acceptable ways and not the reverse;
  • How we can support countries considered to be in the third-sector that could benefit from solutions that integrate more advanced renewable energy systems, better healthcare and education facilities, as well as technological access.

If I don’t use this section to research yet, I will at least use it to support my academic experience as I work through level 3.

Profile For now, we rest in this mystic bubble of knowldege.